> Inform bridge and change over control to engine
control room
>Put the blocking device on main engine governor
to emergency position
> Move the impact hand wheel to opposite position by turning it anticlockwise then disconnect the fuel pump from governor and connect it to regulating hand wheel on engine side control.
> Move the impact hand wheel to opposite position by turning it anticlockwise then disconnect the fuel pump from governor and connect it to regulating hand wheel on engine side control.
>Change over valve from remote to emergency
control on engine side
>Unlock the fuel regulating handle lock and move
it to start position.
>From engine side telephones check the
communications with bridge
>On receiving order from bridge accept the
telegraph and change over the valve to ahead or astern as required
>Check the indication lights on the panel green
for ahead and red for astern
> Press the start button and adjust the fuel
regulating handle as required
>The stop button should be pressed before change
over of ahead or astern direction
>Stop the engine using stop button provided. After
stopping bring the fuel regulating handle to start position marked.